Monday, May 22, 2006

Reservation Problem

I think no one is really looking at the solution.

Govt is adamant about their numbers and students are focusing on opposing it. No one is really bothered about what’s the solution.

Problems with the current model

  1. No data – all the speculations are done using some population charts skewing the stats for some other group (example % of people/population in some category is used for seats – where as people atually appearing may not be those many... )
  2. Students are just fighting against it but no one is thinking what’s a long term solution
    Any solution /outcome which will come out will be temporary
  3. Mega millions are just spent every yr by institutes, parents as well as govt to come out with some formula.

In some categories the # of students passing out are much lesser than the positions allocated leaving mgmt

I think if ones thinks really little about the solution the problem is really not so hard at least it does not seem to be….

Here is a very simple formula (which IITand, and more statisticians can comment on) -

Govt. knows the following

    1. How many students appear
    2. Category of each appearing student

Solution for seats

      1. Calculate % of students appearing in each category of reservation
      2. Use the same % for all seat allocations

Benefits of this system

# Offers equal opportunity for all appearing for any examination
#Long term taking out guesses by ministers on numbers
#Govt can focus on increasing and making equal environment for all category people rather than reservations

Factors which may impact this further

#How many people actually pass out, it may so happen that the # of passed out in one category may still be higher than available seats
# No of people applied in some specific institute or university
# Some category may do some fraud by faking false students appearing

But I think these are much local problem to solve, assuring student’s fair opportunity and competition.